Monday, August 4, 2014


A man once said, and I quote, "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."

Theodor Suess Geisel, Dr. Suess as we all know him, is the crazy, awesome man who said this. And I think there's an important message here for all of us. 

If you allow it, your imagination can take you to places you've never been. It can give you a reason to be happy in life even when you feel there is no hope. It doesn't matter how old you are - remember your inner child. Let him/her out every once in awhile. Allow yourself to look at life through the wrong end of a telescope. It isn't a crime to get lost in your own fantasies and take a trip into the realm of the unknown. 

Just don't get lost there forever and it's all good.

Being an adult and making adult decisions is really hard sometimes. No one said it was going to be easy. I myself am currently learning the Ways of the Adult. But I've found that it really helps to just let yourself go every once in awhile... I don't mean drink yourself silly and start running through the streets buck-ass naked shouting random shit like F#@% YOU! AND YOUR EYEBROWS! No no no THIS IS NOT WHAT I MEAN. 

Take the less humiliating route... Hop in that mommy-mobile and make a trip to the grocery store! Go to the candy aisle and load up that cart; I'm talking milk chocolate, dark chocolate, chocolate in funky shapes, malt balls, twizzlers, starbursts, jelly beans, hot tamales, skittles... add in any junk food you can think of chips, pop, popcorn, ice cream is a must, tacos, cotton candy... random shit like that. We are looking to get FAT tonight!! Next, go home [well, check out first THEN go home. We don't need a trip to the jailhouse, that's not quite the excitement we were looking for either], put on your "fat pants" [don't deny you have a pair, we all do] and start up a Disney movie. My personal favorite is The Little Mermaid, but not all of you will find comfort in watching a mermaid get her voice sucked out by an evil octopus with a big bust-line soo any Disney movie will work! Then just sit back, stuff your face with all the sugary goodness and let your inner child just flow free!  

Consider this your homework. Set aside a day to just be a kid again!

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